Provided by the GEAR UP Principals' Leadership Program and Education Partnerships, Inc.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Thanks for the Opportunity to Work with You

This is the final post on the Oregon GEAR UP Principal's Blog. I've enjoyed the opportunity to work with GEAR UP principals for the past four years, both on-site and through the Research Briefs and blog postings. I'm impressed with the quality of the GEAR UP schools and the commitment of teachers and principals to improving the educational experience, and college access and readiness, of students. I've learned a lot from each of you and you've enriched the learning of my students at Eastern Michigan University.

While this blog will not be updated you can continue to find resources, including new Research Briefs, at the following sites:

Thanks again for the opportunity to work with you.

Ron Williamson

Monday, June 3, 2013

Building a PLN - Power of the "Tweet"

A Personal Learning Network (PLN) is one way to stay collected with trends and issues in your field and to work, and share, collaboratively. Social media is a great way to create and maintain your PLN. PLN's are really useful because you can connect with those individuals and groups that best meet your needs. The benefits include
  • access to useful resources and information;
  • ability to search for new tools and innovative practices;
  • thoughtful suggestions and critique of your ideas;
  • helping you to think more deeply about your work;
  • meeting professional contacts for job growth.

A virtual PLN can be created using social media like Twitter. A recent article by Tom Murray, Director of Technology and Cyber Education for the Quakertown School District in Bucks County, PA describes the benefits of a virtual PLN using Twitter.

Howard Johnston and I describe how to create and maintain a PLN in our book The School Leader's Guide to Social Media from Eye on Education. We'd enjoy learning about how you use PLN's to improve your work.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Speed Geeking

I recently read a study about how educators are often reluctant to use new technology. Part of the reason is our comfort with what we currently do but other factors also impact the decision. For example, educators often don't want to look unsophisticated with technology especially if they're working with middle or high school students who may be far more savvy.

This week ASCD EDge introduced me to a new concept---speed geeking. It's essentially a speed dating model for technology. Faculty moved from table to table and learned from students about a new technology and how it impacted their learning. It reminded me of when my school had a group of students who worked with teachers on technology. They were basically the "geek squad" of Tappan Middle School.

It's an interesting idea for sharing, learning and growing. I believe teachers respect the knowledge and skills of their students and "speed geeking" is a fascinating way for teachers, and others, to become acquainted with how technology is used by students to improve their learning.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Free Resources for Flipped Classrooms

We're fascinated by the way digital technology is changing instruction. One of the more innovation approaches is the flipped classroom, a classroom where students spend time outside of class watching videos about new concepts while at home and then using in-class time for in-depth discussion and application of their learning.

Many teachers we've worked with understand the concept and would like to begin flipping their classes. But the prospect of developing their own videos and other materials is daunting. Fortunately, the May issue of eSchoolNews provides information and links to several free resources teachers can use to "flip their classrooms."

We'd enjoy learning from you about your experience with flipped classrooms.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Successful Principals Have Good Personal Skills

A recent study described Google's efforts to identify the characteristics of "good" bosses so that those skills could become part of their training program. It turned out that leaders didn't need great technical skills but instead good people skills, things like being a good coach, expressing personal interest and asking thoughtful questions (Bryant, 2011). A recent article in Educational Leadership's April edition discussed the parallels between Google's experience and that of school principals. It linked the high turnover rate among principals to that absence of some of these essential people skills.

Here's a link to the article about the absence of people skills and turnover among principals. I'd enjoy hearing your thoughts about the importance of people skills in your role.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Helping Students from Poor Families Achieve School Success

I recently read a report about the increasing number of school-age children who are raised in poverty. It's a real national problem and we know that students from families in poverty often struggle in school. They're more likely to be absent, more likely to change schools, and more likely to lack the materials and other resources necessary for school success.

The May issue of ASCD's Educational Leadership looks at the issue of poverty and provides useful strategies for teachers and principals to assure that students from families in poverty are successful in school. One of my favorite articles is written by a friend, Carol Ann Tomlinson, from the University of Virginia. Carol is best known for her work on differentiated instruction but in this article discusses her experience with poverty. She identifies the personal beliefs and attitudes that are present when educators help students from poor families create a better future for themselves. She describes it as "staring down poverty" and I find it a powerful way to describe the work.

I'd enjoy hearing from you about your response to Carol's suggestions and what you've learned about how to support students from poverty so that they are successful in school.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Digital Literacy and the Common Core

As states prepare for implementation of the Common Core standards the focus is appropriately on the knowledge and skills students will need for success on the assessments. The Common Core changes instruction. But an often overlooked need is to assure that students have the digital literacy skills they'll need to navigate the assessments. Students will need to complement their analytical and evaluative skills with operational skills like keyboarding and use of spreadsheets.

But it's not as simple as teaching keyboarding and use of spreadsheets. Students will need more advanced skills like creating and analyzing charts and graphs, using tools to communicate and present information, and using online tools to conduct research.

The challenge is that students often have more knowledge, and greater comfort, in the digital environment that their teachers. They are often more familiar with the digital tools that can be used for these tasks. But it would be foolish to assume that every student has those skills and is comfortable with their use.

We'd enjoy hearing from you about how you, and your school, are preparing students to be successful in this new digital environment.